So, occasionally I need some shoes to make me feel better. This week has been a doozy, for realz. I had some time to kill downtown with a friend, whose shoes were hurting her so badly she needed to buy new ones. (She settled on some Havaianas flip-flops). We went into one of those generic shoe stores that sell MizMooz and lo and behold, they had a pretty decent facsimile of what I was looking for a few months ago, *and* they were on sale, *and* I actually didn't buy them right away, I gave myself time to think about whether I really needed them, etc... and in the end, I caved. They were a little bit on sale, too, which helps. So I bought the MizMooz Sassy with only a smidge of guilt:
I also checked out TopShop and you know, aside from falling *in love* with a blue velvet jacket I cannot afford, I didn't think too much of it was any more impressive than what you can get at H&M for much, much less. I feel like the TopShop items would be great at half the price, but since they are so overpriced, it doesn't make any sense to shop there unless you just have money to blow. And most of us don't, btw. I'd show you a pic of the jacket, but it's not online anywhere. It's basically this short jacket made of slashed blue velvet loops. Very cool, very rockstar. I also like the Trophy Blazer that's been featured in some of the ads. Too bad it's almost $400. :(