Can I share with you the definition of heartbreak? (Or perhaps just fashion heartbreak?) Shoe heartbreak is the worst heartbreak. And it occurs when you've ordered a pair online, and are delighted/thrilled that they are making their way to you, because they are the most perfect boots ever, and on top of that they are 70% off, which makes them kind of affordable since they are pricey, pricey boots, and then you get an email that tells you the order has been canceled, because actually they're out of stock. GAH. And the boots are B Store boots, and B Store is based out of London, which means very few places carry them here, and those that did (since they are last season's boots) are either sold out or still selling them for almost $400. GAH again. Here they are, just so you can weep along with me:
Aren't they awesome? I love the black with the lighter leather, and the nice, high heel that is mitigated by the substantial platform. Short girls like me live for this kind of shoe, which will give us height but be stable (thanks to that big, chunky heel) and look kickass all at once. I had outfits I was going to wear with these boots. They were *planned*. And now, nothing. Heartbreak, I'm telling you. 1st world problems heartbreak.